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VLOG#7 _ 英语vlog _ 和一个国际艺术高中生一起过一天 _ 作品集 火锅 华夫饼 剪

的 English就行啊,do you like that? Sit and how and our student have today is Friday and. But some of my classmate to and we decide to use that to make a project when we graduate, this is this place is just getting super man because that what was I just get more and more and more? B.
I like my like的。And now Im working like to revise in my some of my project I have some to some schools are ready but I hope. Like the Top girls I want to go. So trying to make it.爱在那。
Because I like you know when you let the happier you have.哲学。就这样。
But this is just super, super like you drink the those Chinese medicine this is something like that. I hope to work because its just do her. You know just had to drink, it does not work.是。 Recently, someone买毛线,not only yourself, you can also find you have with you.来 you can try to collect from the most.
If Im speaking and yeah. Down.
呢?回来了,Im just gonna get out. Anything today is drama. Water.没事的。
Know at the flavor.

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TAG: 火锅 英语 一个 国际 艺术 高中 高中生 中生 一起
上一篇:VLOG 澳门的夏天是冰淇淋色 _ 吃葡萄牙菜 _ 接澳门小学生放学
下一篇:VLOG#9 艺术留学生的期末周 _ 我不想熬夜
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